Varicose veins: causes, classification, symptoms and treatments

Symptoms of varicose veinsIf you want to learn more about varicose veins, check out this article. It will help you understand the main causes of the disease and recognize the first symptoms of varicose veins on your own.Few people know that varicose veins are a fairly common condition, affecting nearly 30% of women and 20% of men. This is because the first symptoms may be almost invisible. This article will help you understand how to independently identify varicose veins while still being suitable for conservative and safe treatment.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are a common condition that can cause a lot of discomfort and severely impact quality of life. Varicose veins occur when the walls of the veins lose their elasticity and are no longer able to effectively pump blood back to the heart. Standing or sitting for long periods of time, genetic predispositions, being overweight, pregnancy, heart and blood vessel disease – all of these can lead to varicose veins. There are many ways to relieve symptoms or even eliminate the disease.Varicose veins are a blood vessel disease that occur when the valves in the veins are weak and blood circulation is compromised. That's why this happens.Our blood vessels pump blood from the legs to the heart due to the operation of special valves that do not allow blood to flow to the feet under the influence of gravity. But the valve sometimes weakens. Then some blood begins to pool in the veins, and as a result, the pressure on the blood vessels increases. The vein walls become dilated and damaged. Over time, veins become larger and larger. People with varicose veins may have legs that look like they have giant ropes under the skin.Varicose veins are more than just a cosmetic problem. The disease can lead to serious complications such as blood clots, ulcers and even tissue necrosis. Therefore, it is very important to identify varicose veins independently and consult a doctor at the first signs. The milder the disease, the easier it is to treat. The main cause of varicose veins.

Varicose veins can occur for different reasons. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  1. One of the main factors is genetics. People with weak vein walls develop varicose veins due to a genetic mutation. Keep this in mind if anyone in your family suffers from varicose veins. If you have it, you are also at risk for this disease. Don't be too quick to get upset, though. If you live a healthy lifestyle and take care of your health, you have a chance of avoiding the appearance of varicose veins. But it’s always important to monitor your diet and lifestyle and take care of your health.
  2. Work with your feet. If you have an occupation that requires you to spend a lot of time on your feet, pay special attention to the condition of your legs. The risk of developing varicose veins is high. First, people who stand and work are affected by inactive leg muscles. If a person walks regularly, the muscles contract and compress the blood vessels, which helps push blood toward the heart. But if you stand in one place all day, your veins can lose support. Therefore, the likelihood of varicose veins increases when standing. Representatives of the following professions should pay special attention to their health: teachers, cooks, surgeons, surgical nurses, hairdressers, waiters, salesmen, bartenders, lathes, massage therapists.
  3. Sedentary jobs can also have a negative impact on vascular health and the appearance of varicose veins. These include office workers, drivers, programmers, accountants, librarians, cashiers, tailors, bank employees, jewelers and telephone operators. A sedentary lifestyle also increases your risk of developing varicose veins, which can be dangerous. After all, the calf muscles are not working and the blood is stagnant. The veins dilate and turn into varicose veins. It is especially bad to have the habit of crossing your legs. You may put pressure on the veins, causing blood clots to form. Don’t forget to take breaks while working and at least warm up sometimes, or at least walk around the office.
  4. Heavy physical labor and heavy lifting can also cause varicose veins. This is because when lifting something heavy, there is a jump in intra-abdominal pressure, which is naturally transmitted to the legs, causing blood vessels to stretch and valves to rupture. If you are a loader, lifter, construction worker, shopkeeper, miner, or you have to lift weights as part of your career, remember that this is dangerous and can lead to varicose veins.
  5. Long-distance and frequent flights can also be dangerous to blood vessel function. During flight, atmospheric pressure changes, which can also have a negative impact on blood vessels. On a plane, you can't stretch your legs and find a comfortable position. Because the air on an airplane is dry, your body can become dehydrated easily. Blood viscosity increases, causing veins to stagnate and slow blood flow.
  6. Pregnant. The first symptoms of varicose veins often appear exactly during pregnancy, when a woman's body is under great strain and swelling occurs in the legs. Doctors often prescribe compression garments, which can improve the course of the disease.
  7. Being overweight can also cause varicose veins. Additionally, it is important to know that a person may not notice varicose veins for years due to excess weight. Varicose veins may be hidden beneath a significant layer of subcutaneous fat. Their visualization is not only difficult but also impossible without instrumental techniques. Therefore, if you are overweight and feel tired at night or have swollen legs, you need to consult a phlebologist as soon as possible.
  8. Bad lifestyle, bad habits and addictions like alcoholism, smoking etc. Generally speaking, varicose veins and bad lifestyle habits are incompatible. Combined with smoking or excessive drinking, this can have serious consequences. If left untreated and uncontrolled, varicose veins can lead to other vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis of the lower extremities.
  9. High heels are the enemy of blood vessels. Don't rush to pursue beauty. Keep in mind that high heels can put a lot of pressure on your feet. Shoes must be comfortable first, and beautiful second. Of course, it's okay to wear high heels, but only occasionally and don't overdo it.

Symptoms of varicose veins at various stages of the disease.

The early stages of varicose veins. compensation stage. The initial stage of varicose veins is also called the compensatory stage. It gets its name because when the function of veins in the body is disturbed, special mechanisms are activated to compensate for these disturbances. That's why she's dangerous. A person may ignore the symptoms of varicose veins for months, or even years, missing valuable time for effective treatment.External signs may be completely absent or may appear in the form of spider veins. They should not be underestimated. These are the real precursors to varicose veins.In the early stages of varicose veins, all one can feel is a feeling of heaviness, fullness, and swelling in the legs. Most patients attribute these symptoms to fatigue, especially if work puts stress on the legs.But if you're sensitive to your health, notice these symptoms, and consult a phlebologist promptly, you can rest easy. In this case, when varicose veins are diagnosed at an early stage, conservative non-surgical treatment is performed. For example, different types of sclerotherapy.

Classification of varicose veins. Know what is important?

The classification of varicose veins depends on the level at which the affected vein is located. It is important to understand this classification so that you can recognize symptoms promptly and consult a phlebologist immediately.The classification of varicose veins begins with determining the main form of the disease: primary (idiopathic) varicose veins, secondary varicose veins (consequences of venous trauma), age-related varicose veins (elderly), congenital varicose veins (Formation in uterus)Varicose veins) etc.Primary varicose veins are one of the most common forms of the disease. It can be found in people of any age, although this type of varicose veins is most common in women. Genetic factors are one of the causes of this disease. Secondary varicose veins are a form of the disease that occurs after trauma to the veins. Venous thrombosis, surgery, trauma and other factors can cause secondary varicose veins. Usually this type of disease occurs at the site of injury.Senile varicose veins most commonly occur in older people. Aging of the body causes the weakening of the walls of the veins, which has a significant impact on its etymology.Congenital varicose veins are characterized by the disease occurring during fetal development. Abnormal development of blood vessels leads to violation of their vital function, i. e. , reversible dilatation of the veins.

Varicose veins stage 2. points compensation.

This is the most common stage when patients consult their doctors. The subcompensatory phase is the stage where the body can no longer cope with the disease on its own. In this case, patients not only complain of pain and swelling at the end of the day, but also experience ongoing discomfort. It has become difficult for patients to lead a normal lifestyle. In this case, a visit to a phlebologist should be scheduled immediately.Key symptoms: Veins are clearly visible and the skin may appear bluish. Swelling, pain, burning and mild cramping in the legs occur not only at night but also during the night.Simple treatment is no longer enough at this stage. In this case, EVLT and minimally invasive surgery are often used.

The third phase. Severe varicose veins. Decompensation.

In this case, the destruction of blood vessels can negatively affect the function of other organs and systems in the body. The nutrition of the tissues is compromised, fluid accumulates in them, and trophic ulcers may occur. The veins are severely deformed and serious complications such as thrombophlebitis may occur.This stage requires emergency surgical treatment. Otherwise, varicose veins can start to become life-threatening.It is important to understand that the disease can develop in one form or in many combinations. The classification of varicose veins is not clear-cut but rather implies the possibility of various combinations of factors. But no matter what form, varicose veins require treatment. Correct treatment can lead to a complete recovery, prevent serious complications, and improve the patient's quality of life.

Diagnosis of varicose veins.

Modern clinics have the most accurate and efficient methods of diagnosing varicose veins. The main methods of diagnosing varicose veins are:
  1. Checked by experts. The first thing you need to do is make an appointment with a phlebologist.
  2. Ultrasonography. This is the main diagnostic method used to detect varicose veins. A venous ultrasound allows you to see any changes in the structure of your veins, determine if there are any obstructions to blood flow, and identify other problems with your veins.
  3. Venography. This is a diagnostic method that allows you to obtain more detailed images of the blood vessels in your lower extremities while injecting contrast material. This method allows you to diagnose structural diseases of the veins and other problems with the lymphatic system.
  4. CT examination. This method allows you to obtain a three-dimensional image of the blood vessels, which significantly improves the scaling of the veins.
  5. MRI scan. This method is mainly used in situations where ultrasonography is not possible because its effectiveness in diagnosing varicose veins is reduced.
  6. Thermal Imaging. This method is based on taking into account the thermal radiation of the limbs and allows you to determine whether there is a disease in the venous structure.
Generally speaking, it doesn't take much time to make a diagnosis based on research data. Most procedures take 10 to 40 minutes. Treatment will vary greatly at different stages, so never self-medicate. Any health intervention can only be developed after receiving the research results.

How to treat varicose veins

Varicose veins are a serious condition, but they can be treated. There are ways to help avoid discomfort and reduce the risk of complications. It is important not to delay seeing your doctor and follow his advice, as early treatment significantly increases the chances of recovery. There are many ways to relieve symptoms or even eliminate the disease. The first important way to treat varicose veins is to make lifestyle changes. People with varicose veins need to pay special attention to physical activity. The purpose of regular exercise is to strengthen the muscles of the lower body and stimulate blood circulation. Walking, swimming, calisthenics to strengthen the leg muscles - all these can be of great help in treating varicose veins.The second way is to change your eating habits. There are many products that can further worsen varicose veins: strong coffee, spicy spices, alcohol, greasy and greasy foods. It is best to choose foods rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. For example, vegetables, fruits, herbs, unfermented dairy products, nuts, fish.The first two methods are mandatory at any stage of the disease.If directed by your doctor, the next step may be medication. Using ointments, creams, and gels that contain substances that improve circulation can help reduce swelling and pain. You can also treat with medications; your doctor will prescribe them.

Modern methods of treating varicose veins include:

  1. Annihilation and solidification. The transmitter is inserted into the vein via micropuncture. The laser precisely heats the blood, burning the vessel walls and sealing the veins (this is called sclerosis). After the process is complete, the transmitter is removed. Over time, the veins turn into connective tissue and then recede completely. The duration of this procedure is approximately half an hour. Once treatment is complete, patients can return to their normal lives. To consolidate the results obtained, compression garments need to be worn for several days.
  2. Sclerotherapy. A special substance is injected into the affected blood vessels to glue the vessel walls together. Bonded blood vessels are excluded from blood circulation and dissolve over time.
  3. Radiofrequency ablation. The mechanism of action is similar to laser therapy. During the procedure, a catheter is inserted into the vein, which heats the vein walls and causes them to stick together. After a while, the veins recede.
  4. Vein resection. This is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Through puncture, the affected vein is carefully removed without incisions or sutures.
  5. In severe stages of the disease, surgical treatment is required, which deprives the twisted veins of their ability to drain blood.

Modern dynamic treatment of varicose veins

In modern clinics, they know how to help patients effectively. Doctors have performed thousands of surgeries and helped millions of patients get rid of varicose veins. If you suffer from varicose veins, it’s never too late to visit a clinic for treatment.Modern clinics employ only highly qualified doctors who specialize in treating varicose veins and other venous conditions. Patients are offered a variety of treatment options, including laser therapy, sclerotherapy, radiofrequency therapy and surgery. Only the most modern equipment and technology are used. This guarantees maximum results and minimum risk of complications. In addition, the specialty clinic is one of the most advanced in the field of venous surgery in the country.Another advantage of a specialized clinic is that a personalized treatment approach is provided only to the patient. Each patient is unique and during treatment, all his characteristics are taken into account when choosing the method. The main goal of the clinic is to allow patients to return to their normal lives and forget about their vein problems.Don't assume that varicose veins will go away on their own. In fact, in rare cases, lifestyle changes or certain medications may improve symptoms. However, it is important to understand that this is only a temporary improvement and treatment is still required. Putting off seeing a doctor will only make the condition worse.